6 Best Things to Do in Hiroshima in August: Summer Festivals, Natural Scenery, and Camping Spots

If you’re planning to go sightseeing, including seasonal activities unique to that time of year in your itinerary is ideal. In this issue, we introduce essential travel information for August in Hiroshima, including weather, appropriate fashion, key events, and recommended spots, catering to those interested in experiencing the uniqueness of the season.

*Please note that the event information listed is subject to change or cancellation due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.

To learn more about Hiroshima in summer, check here!


Hiroshima in August

Hiroshima City


August is one of the hottest months of the year in Hiroshima, with temperatures fluctuating between about 26 and 35 degrees Celsius. The humidity is especially high during the daytime, with some extremely hot days exceeding 35°C (95°F), so care must be taken to avoid heat stroke. Frequent hydration is essential to prevent dehydration caused by sweating in the heat. Temperatures do not drop easily even at night, making the days hot and humid.


August coincides with children’s summer vacation, and adults also have more opportunities to return to their hometowns and spend time with family and relatives during the Obon vacation (an annual summer holiday in Japan). Many family outings are also seen. Hiroshima offers an abundance of spots where you can enjoy marine sports and camping, and you can create wonderful summer memories while enjoying nature under the blue summer sky.


August is the peak of the tourist season in Hiroshima, and the city is crowded with many visitors. In addition to historical spots such as Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima and the Atomic Bomb Dome, activities to enjoy nature such as the sea and mountains are also recommended. However, it is important to take adequate measures against heat stroke when sightseeing.

August Fashion

Light, breathable clothing is appropriate for August in Hiroshima. Shirts, T-shirts, and shorts made of natural fabrics such as cotton or linen are common, and hats and sunglasses are essential for sun protection. It is also a good idea to bring a light cardigan or stole to prevent getting chilled in air-conditioned places. Cool clothing is optimal, as the days are hot anyway.

Participate in Events that Pray for Peace

Every year on August 6, the city of Hiroshima holds a Peace Memorial Ceremony to commemorate the day the atomic bomb was dropped during World War II. Many people gather to mourn the victims of the atomic bombings and hope for a peaceful world without nuclear weapons. The ceremony is attended by many guests from Japan and abroad, and the Peace Declaration is read out. It is an opportunity to reflect on the tragedy of war and the preciousness of peace.

Peace Memorial Ceremony & Lantern Floating Ceremony (平和記念式典・灯籠流し)

The Peace Memorial Ceremony is held annually on August 6th in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, marking the day of atomic bomb drop. During this event, the Mayor of Hiroshima delivers a Peace Declaration that is broadcast globally, advocating for world peace.

When the Peace Memorial Ceremony is over and the sun goes down, the Lantern Festival is held from around 6:00 p.m. Approximately 8,000 lanterns are floated down the river in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome to pray for the victims and for peace in the future. Many people participate in this event every year because they can write their thoughts and feelings on the lanterns. Lanterns are sold at the site, so anyone can participate.

Summer Festival to Enjoy Japanese Culture

August is a time when summer festivals and fireworks displays come alive all over Japan. In Hiroshima, too, a variety of events symbolizing summer in Hiroshima are held, allowing visitors to experience Japanese summer culture.

Fukuyama Summer Festival (福山夏まつり)

Fukuyama Ashida River Fireworks Festival (あしだ川花火大会)

This is Fukuyama City’s summer festival held over three days from August 13 to 15 every year. You can enjoy different events on each day.

Niagari Dance Festival (二上りおどり大会) : 13th August

On the 13th, an event of Fukuyama’s traditional performing art “Nigari Odori (dance)”, which is designated as a Hiroshima Prefecture Intangible Folk Cultural Asset, will be held at Kitahama-dori Shopping Street. The dance is performed to a unique rhythm and accompanied by the sound of a musical instrument called a yotsudake.

Fukuyama Yukata Festival (福山ゆかたまつり): 14th August

On the 14th, a yukata stamp rally will be held in the central shopping area of Fukuyama City, and night stalls will be set up in each shopping area. The streets will be crowded with people wearing colorful yukata.

Ashida River Fireworks Festival (あしだ川花火大会): 15th August

On the 15th, a fireworks display will be held as the finale of the Fukuyama Summer Festival. The fireworks reflected on the surface of the Ashida River are a sight to behold. Both banks of the Ashida River are used as bleachers, from which you can experience the power of the fireworks.

Yukata example image

Outdoor Spots Surrounded by Nature

We have carefully selected scenic spots where you can enjoy the beauty of nature, summer resorts, campgrounds, and other outdoor spots!

*Basically, reservations are required for campsite use/accommodation, so please check the official website for details.

Play Park Jagui (プレイパーク蛇喰)

Jagui Rock (蛇喰磐)

Play Park Jagui is a spot where visitors can enjoy camping, barbecues, and river play. The nearby river is home to “Jagui Iwa,” a natural treasure of Hiroshima Prefecture, and offers a unique view for river play. Surrounded by trees, the area is cool in summer, allowing adults and children alike to enjoy nature in a relaxed atmosphere.

Imoseno Falls (妹背の滝)

Imoseno Falls

Imoseno Falls is a couple of waterfalls, located behind the Ogasira Shrine, and is a waterfall spot where visitors can enjoy two valleys. After it rains, the waterfall is very powerful, but a short distance away from the basin, there is a calm ford where visitors can play in the water, and many parents and children come to play in the river during the summer months. The spray from the rocks is full of negative ions, making it a great spot to escape the summer heat. It is a perfect place for a summer outing, whether it is a family stroll with a packed lunch or playing in the water.

Ogidani Auto Camping Ground (大鬼谷オートキャンプ場)

Ogidani Auto Camping Ground is a nature-rich campground covered with broadleaf forests. The campground offers many activities for children and adults alike, including athletic activities, bicycling, and river play. It is especially cool in summer, and the clear stream running through the campground makes it a popular playground for children. There is a wide variety of accommodations, including tree houses, bungalows, and log cabins. You can enjoy a different atmosphere from the usual camping.

Kyukamura Taishakukyo (休暇村帝釈峡)

This facility is located in a forest in the center of Taishaku Gorge, where the valley weaves beautiful scenery. On a plateau dotted with oddly shaped rocks, accommodation facilities and various sports facilities such as tennis courts and a golf course are available. The campground is recommended for beginners as well, as it offers seasonal views, tarp tents and rental equipment, as well as cooking utensils.

There are also hot spring facilities on the premises, and the mineral-rich water will soothe your tired body (day-trip bathing is also available). It is also an ideal base for sightseeing at Lake Shinryu, where sightseeing boats run, and Onbashi Bridge, one of the three largest natural bridges in the world.

Editor’s Comment


August will continue to be a hot month, but please enjoy the summer activities to the fullest, while keeping yourself well hydrated!

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