9 Best Things to Do in Kyoto in March

If you’re going to sightsee, you’d want to include experiences and sights that are unique to that specific time of year, right? This guide is for those who want to know about the situation, events, and recommended spots in Kyoto during March.

*The events introduced may have their schedules changed. Please check the official websites of the facilities for the latest information.

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About Kyoto in March


The average temperature in Kyoto in March ranges from 10°C to 15°C. While it is relatively warm during the day, mornings and evenings can get chilly, so caution is needed. With the arrival of spring, cherry blossoms and plum blossoms start to bloom, brightening up the entire city.


In March, Kyoto hosts various festivals, including the Hina Matsuri (Girls’ Day Festival). The Hina Matsuri is a traditional event held at various shrines and temples, where tourists can also participate. One of the highlights is the “Nagashi Hina,” a tradition dating back to the Heian period.


March marks the beginning of the tourist season, and many tourist spots become bustling with activity. Before the peak cherry blossom season, many attractions are relatively less crowded, allowing you to enjoy sightseeing at a leisurely pace.

Fashion in March

Kyoto in March can still be a bit chilly, so warm clothing is necessary. Layering your clothes for easy adjustment is recommended, and bringing a jacket or coat when going out is advisable. Comfortable walking shoes are also essential.

Hina Matsuri Spots for Adults

Hina Matsuri is a traditional Japanese event, and in Kyoto, many shrines and temples celebrate it. Here are some particularly recommended spots:

“Matsuo Taisha”

“Matsuo Taisha” is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto and is known as the god of sake. During the Hina Matsuri in March, “Nagashi Hina” is performed to the tunes of traditional court music, evoking the elegance of Heian-period aristocracy.

“Shimogamo Shrine”

“Nagashi Hina”

“Shimogamo Shrine,” also known as “Kamo Mioya Shrine,” holds the “Nagashi Hina” on March 3rd, where dolls are floated down the river to pray for the health and safety of children. You can also purchase Hina dolls to display year-round.

“Ichihime Shrine”

“Ichihime Shrine” is known as the guardian deity for women. During the Hina Matsuri in March, a real human Hina doll display appears. You can enjoy traditional events such as “Juni-hitoe” (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono) dressing and “Kai-awase” (shell matching game).

Cherry Blossom Spots

March in Kyoto is also cherry blossom season. Here are some particularly recommended spots:

“Hirano Shrine”

“Hirano Shrine” is one of Kyoto’s top cherry blossom spots, boasting about 45 varieties of cherry blossoms.

“Philosopher’s Path”

The “Philosopher’s Path” is a roughly 1.5km path where cherry blossoms bloom magnificently. The cherry trees, donated by the Japanese painter Hashimoto Kansetsu in 1922, continue to create a beautiful scenery.

“Kyoto Botanical Gardens”

The “Kyoto Botanical Gardens,” also known as the “Living Plant Museum,” have about 150 varieties and 450 cherry trees in bloom. You can enjoy cherry blossom viewing over a long period from mid-March to late April.

Dining Spots to Enjoy Cherry Blossoms

Enjoying meals while viewing cherry blossoms is a unique pleasure in Kyoto.


“Yasaka Shrine”

Located near “Yasaka Shrine,” “Mugesanbo” is a café renovated from an old house. You can enjoy parfaits made with the finest Uji matcha while gazing at cherry blossoms.

“Takasegawa Kurio”

Along “Takasegawa River”

Located along the “Takasegawa River,” “Takasegawa Kurio” offers dishes made with Kyoto ingredients while enjoying the beautiful cherry blossom scenery. The window seats on the first floor are especially recommended.

“Saryo Housui”

View of Arashiyama

“Saryo Housui,” overlooking the Arashiyama scenery, is a café renovated from a historical building over 100 years old. You can enjoy an afternoon tea set while taking in the terrace view.

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